파일명 | 설명 |
fms.dll | Font Management Services |
ms.dll | MS.dll |
msaatext.dll | Active Accessibility text support |
msab32.dll | Network AB provider for MSNet (NT) |
msac3enc.dll | Microsoft AC-3 Encoder |
msacm.dll | msacm.dll |
msacm32.dll | Microsoft ACM Audio Filter |
msadce.dll | OLE DB Cursor Engine |
msadcer.dll | OLE DB Cursor Engine Resources |
msadcf.dll | Remote Data Services Data Factory |
msadcfr.dll | Remote Data Services Data Factory Resources |
msadco.dll | Remote Data Services Data Control |
msadcor.dll | Remote Data Services Data Control Resources |
msadcs.dll | Remote Data Services ISAPI Library |
msaddndr.dll | AddInDesigner |
msadds.dll | OLE DB Data Shape Provider |
msaddsr.dll | OLE DB Data Shape Provider Resources |
msader15.dll | ActiveX Data Objects Resources |
msado15.dll | ActiveX Data Objects |
msadomd.dll | ActiveX Data Objects (Multi-Dimensional) |
msador15.dll | Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Recordset |
msadox.dll | ActiveX Data Objects Extensions |
msadrh15.dll | ActiveX Data Objects Rowset Helper |
msaexp30.dll | Microsoft Access Expression Builder |
msafd.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
msain.dll | Microsoft Office Access International DLL |
msain900.dll | Microsoft Office 2000 component |
msajetfs.dll | Microsoft Jet Transport Library |
msajt200.dll | msajt200.dll |
msansspc.dll | msansspc.dll |
msapofxproxy.dll | MsApoFxProxy |
msapsspc.dll | DPA-klient för 32-bitarsplattformar |
msasn1.dll | ASN.1 Runtime APIs |
msasxpress.dll | Microsoft Compression Library |
msauddecmft.dll | Media Foundation Audio Decoders |
msaudite.dll | Security Audit Events DLL |
msauserext.dll | MSA USER Extension DLL |
msbind.dll | Microsoft Data Binding Collection Object DLL |
mscand20.dll | |
mscandui.dll | MSCANDUI Server DLL |
mscat32.dll | MSCAT32 Forwarder DLL |
mscdm.dll | Microsot Office System 2007 Client Data Manager |
mscdrun.dll | Connection Designer Run-mode object |
msched.dll | Maintenance Scheduler |
msclmd.dll | Microsoft Class Mini-driver |
mscms.dll | Microsoft Color Matching System DLL |
mscofd.dll | Microsoft OFD C++ Class Library |
msconf.dll | Conferencing Utility Dll |
msconv97.dll | Microsoft Conversion Library |
mscordbc.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Debugging Services Controller |
mscordbi.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Debugging Services |
mscoree.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine, |
mscoreei.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine |
mscoreer.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine |
mscorees.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine |
mscorie.dll | Microsoft .NET IE MIME Filter |
mscorier.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime IE resources |
mscories.dll | Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION |
mscorjit.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Comp(...) |
mscorld.dll | Microsoft Remote object loader |
mscorlib.dll | Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library |
mscorlib.ni.dll | Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library |
mscorlib.resources.dll | Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library |
mscormmc.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine Starter for MMC |
mscorpe.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime PE File Generator |
mscorrc.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime resources |
mscorsec.dll | Microsoft .NET Security module |
mscorsecimpl.dll | Microsoft .NET Security module |
mscorsecr.dll | Microsoft .NET Security resource module |
mscorsn.dll | Microsoft .NET Strong Name Support |
mscorsvc.dll | .NET Runtime Optimization Service |
mscorsvr.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - Server |
mscortim.dll | Unmanaged code to assist CLR Admin tool |
mscorwks.dll | Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - WorkStation |
mscpx32r.dll | ODBC Code Page Translator Resources |
mscpxl32.dll | ODBC Code Page Translator |
msctf.dll | MSCTF Server DLL |
msctfmig.dll | msctfmig Server DLL |
msctfmonitor.dll | MsCtfMonitor DLL |
msctfp.dll | MSCTFP Server DLL |
msctfui.dll | MSCTFUI Server DLL |
msctfuimanager.dll | Microsoft UIManager DLL |
msdadc.dll | OLE DB Data Conversion Stub |
msdadiag.dll | Built-In Diagnostics |
msdaenum.dll | Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Root Enumerator Stub |
msdaer.dll | Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Error Collection Stub |
msdaipp.dll | Microsoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider |
msdaora.dll | OLE DB Provider for Oracle |
msdaorar.dll | OLE DB Provider for Oracle Resources |
msdaosp.dll | OLE DB Simple Provider |
msdapml.dll | Microsoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider Multi-lang DLL |
msdaprsr.dll | Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Persistence Services Resources |
msdaprst.dll | OLE DB Persistence Services |
msdaps.dll | OLE DB Interface Proxies/Stubs |
msdarem.dll | OLE DB Remote Provider |
msdaremr.dll | OLE DB Remote Provider Resources |
msdart.dll | Microsoft Data Access - OLE DB Runtime Routines |
msdasc.dll | OLE DB Service Components Stub |
msdasql.dll | OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers |
msdasqlr.dll | OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Resources |
msdatasrc.dll | msdatasrc.dll |
msdatl2.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Implementation support library |
msdatl3.dll | OLE DB Implementation Support Routines |
msdatt.dll | OLE DB Temporary Table Services |
msdaurl.dll | OLE DB RootBinder Stub |
msdbi.dll | Microsoft (R) VC Program Database |
msdbrpt.dll | Microsoft Data Report ActiveX Designer DLL - Version 6.0 (SP4) |
msdbrptr.dll | Microsoft Data Report Runtime DLL - Version 6.0 |
msdelta.dll | Microsoft Patch Engine |
msderun.dll | Microsoft Data Environment Runtime |
msdfmap.dll | Data Factory Handler |
msdia80.dll | Microsoft® Debug Information Accessor |
msdmeng.dll | Microsoft Data Mining Engine |
msdmine.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Data Mining Services |
msdmo.dll | DMO Runtime |
msdri.dll | Microsoft Digital Receiver Interface Class Driver |
msdrm.dll | Windows Rights Management client |
msdt.dll | Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool |
msdtckrm.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions KTM Resource Manager DLL |
msdtclog.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Log Manager DLL |
msdtcprx.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator OLE Transactions Interface Proxy DLL |
msdtcstp.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Migration DLL |
msdtctm.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Transaction Manager DLL |
msdtcuiu.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Administrative DLL |
msdtcvsp1res.dll | Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Resources for Vista SP1 |
msdtcwmi.dll | DTC WMIv2 Provider |
msdxmlc.dll | Windows Media Player |
msedge_elf.dll | Microsoft Edge |
msencode.dll | Microsoft Character Encoder |
msenv.dll | Development Environment DLL |
msenv100p.dll | Visual Studio Proxy 10.0 |
msesysprep.dll | Microsoft Security Essentials Sysprep Module |
msexch40.dll | Microsoft Jet Exchange Isam |
msexcl40.dll | Microsoft Jet Excel Isam |
msfeeds.dll | Microsoft Feeds Manager |
msfeedsbs.dll | Microsoft Feeds Background Sync |
msfl11.dll | MSFL11 |
msfl651.dll | MSFL651 |
msftedit.dll | Rich Text Edit Control, v7.5 |
msgboxdll.dll | From GameTower |
msgina.dll | Inloggnings-GINA för Windows NT |
msgr3en.dll | Microsoft English Natural Language Server |
msgr3fr.dll | Microsoft French Grammar Checker |
msgr3ge.dll | Microsoft German Grammar Checker |
msgres32.dll | msgres32.dll |
msgrfr32.dll | Lernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (FR) |
msgrge32.dll | Lernout & Hauspie Grammatik Engine (DE) |
msgrocm.dll | Windows Messenger OC Manager PlugIn |
msgsc.dll | Windows Live Messenger |
msgslang.dll | Windows Live Messenger Language Specific Resources |
msgsvc.dll | NT Messenger Service |
mshtml.dll | Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer |
mshtmldac.dll | DAC for Trident DOM |
mshtmled.dll | Microsoft® HTML Editing Component |
mshtmler.dll | Microsoft® HTML Editing Component's Resource DLL |
mshtmlmedia.dll | Microsoft (R) HTML Media DLL |
mshwchtrime.dll | Microsoft Chinese (Traditional) Handwriting Data |
mshwjpnrime.dll | Microsoft Japanese Handwriting Data |
mshwkorrime.dll | Microsoft Korean Handwriting Data |
mshy32.dll | Microsoft Houghton Mifflin ICS DLL |
msi.dll | Windows Installer |
msicofire.dll | Corrupted MSI File Recovery Diagnostic Module |
msidcrl.dll | IDCRL Dynamic Link Library |
msidcrl30.dll | IDCRL Dynamic Link Library |
msidcrl40.dll | IDCRL Dynamic Link Library |
msident.dll | Microsoft Identity Manager |
msidle.dll | User Idle Monitor |
msidntld.dll | Microsoft Identity Manager |
msieftp.dll | Microsoft Internet Explorer FTP Folder Shell Extension |
msihnd.dll | Windows® installer |
msiltcfg.dll | Windows Installer Configuration API Stub |
msimg32.dll | GDIEXT Client DLL |
msimsg.dll | Windows® Installer International Messages |
msimtf.dll | Active IMM Server DLL |
msinfo.dll | System Information Control |
msiprov.dll | WMI MSI Provider |
msiprovider.dll | DISM Msi Provider |
msisam11.dll | Microsoft MSISAM 1.1 |
msisip.dll | MSI Signature SIP Provider |
msiso.dll | Isolation Library for Internet Explorer |
msiwer.dll | MSI Windows Error Reporting |
msjava.dll | Microsoft® VM |
msjet35.dll | Microsoft Jet Engine Library |
msjet40.dll | Microsoft Jet Engine Library |
msjetoledb40.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet |
msjint35.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL |
msjint40.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine International DLL |
msjro.dll | Jet and Replication Objects |
msjt3032.dll | Microsoft Jet Engine Library |
msjter35.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL |
msjter40.dll | Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL |
msjtes40.dll | Microsoft Jet Expression Service |
mskeyprotcli.dll | Windows Client Key Protection Provider |
mskeyprotect.dll | Microsoft Key Protection Provider |
mslbui.dll | Tillägg till Språkfältet |
mslid.dll | Language Identification |
mslog.dll | mslog.dll |
msls31.dll | Microsoft Line Services library file |
msltus40.dll | Microsoft Jet Lotus 1-2-3 Isam |
mslurt.dll | User-Generated Microsoft (R) C/C++ Runtime Library |
mslwvtts.dll | Microsoft Linguistically Enhanced Wave File Output Engine |
msmail.dll | Windows Live Mail |
msmapi32.dll | Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |
msmdcb80.dll | PivotTable Service dll |
msmdcube.dll | PivotTable Service dll |
msmdgd80.dll | Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services driver |
msmgr32.dll | Still Image Devices DLL |
msmh.dll | 2007 Microsoft Office component |
msmmsp.dll | Mount Point Manger Sysprep Utility Library |
msmpeg2adec.dll | Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder |
msmpeg2enc.dll | Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder |
msmpeg2vdec.dll | Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder |
msmqocm.dll | Message Queue Setup |
msncon32.dll | Microsoft Outlook Hotmail Connector |
msncore.dll | Windows Live Client Code Module |
msnet32.dll | Microsoft 32-bit Network API Library |
msnetobj.dll | DRM ActiveX Network Object |
msnp32.dll | Network-provider for Microsoft-networks |
msnsspc.dll | MSN Internet Access |
mso.dll | Microsoft Office component |
mso20win32client.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component |
mso30win32client.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component |
mso40uiwin32client.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component |
mso50win32client.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component |
mso9.dll | Microsoft Office 2000 component |
mso97.dll | Microsoft Office |
mso98win32client.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component |
mso99lwin32client.dll | Microsoft Office 2016 component |
msobjs.dll | System object audit names |
msocf.dll | Microsoft Office Client Frame |
msocfu.dll | Microsoft Office Client Frame Utilities |
msodbcsql17.dll | Microsoft ODBC Driver 17.2 for SQL Server |
msodcw.dll | Microsoft Office Disk Cleanup Wizard |
msoe.dll | Outlook Express |
msoeacct.dll | Microsoft Internet Account Manager |
msoeres.dll | Outlook Express |
msoert2.dll | Microsoft Outlook Express RT Lib |
msoeuro.dll | Microsoft Office Euro Converter |
msohev.dll | Microsoft Office 2010 component |
msointl.dll | Office International Resources |
msolap80.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 8.0 |
msolui110.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services Connection Dialog 11.0 |
msolui80.dll | Microsoft OLE DB provider for Analysis Services connection dialog 8.0 |
msolui90.dll | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services Connection Dialog 9.0 |
msonpppr.dll | Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 Printer Driver |
msonsext.dll | Microsoft Web Folders |
msoobedui.dll | MSOOBE DUI LIBRARY |
msoobefirstlogonanim.dll | First Logon Animation |
msoobeplugins.dll | msoobeplugins |
msoobeui.dll | Windows Machine OOBE UI Layer |
msoobewirelessplugin.dll | msoobewirelessplugin |
msorc32r.dll | ODBC Driver for Oracle Resources |
msorcl32.dll | ODBC Driver for Oracle |
msorun.dll | Microsoft Office Runtime |
msosec.dll | Custom membership condition |
msoss.dll | Microsoft Trust ASN APIs |
msostyle.dll | Microsoft Office IME Shared property library. |
msosvint.dll | การบริการของ Microsoft Office บนเว็บ |
msowc.dll | Microsoft Office 2000 Web Components |
msowcw.dll | Microsoft Office Web Components Wizards |
msoxev.dll | XML Editor |
msoxmlmf.dll | Microsoft Office XML MIME Filter |
mspatcha.dll | Microsoft File Patch Application API |
mspatchc.dll | Microsoft Patch Creation Engine |
mspbda.dll | Microsoft Protected Broadcast Digital Architecture Class Driver |
mspbdacoinst.dll | Microsoft Protected Broadcast Digital Architecture Class Driver CoInstaller |
mspbde40.dll | Microsoft Jet Paradox Isam |
mspcore.dll | Microsoft® Office Document Imaging Object Library |
mspdb60.dll | Microsoft (R) Program Database |
mspdb80.dll | Microsoft® Program Database |
mspgimme.dll | Microsoft® Gimme library |
mspmsnsv.dll | Microsoft Media Device Service Provider |
mspmsp.dll | Microsoft Media Device Service Provider |
msports.dll | Ports Class Installer |
mspp32.dll | Print Provider for Microsoft Networks |
msprivs.dll | Microsoft Privilege Translations |
mspst32.dll | Microsoft Personal Folder/Address Book Service Provider |
msptls.dll | 2007 Microsoft Office component |
mspubw40.dll | Microsoft Publisher Wizard Back End Dynamic Link Library |
msr2c.dll | Microsoft® Forms DLL |
msr2cenu.dll | Microsoft® Forms DLL |
msrahc.dll | Remote Assistance Diagnostics Provider |
msratelc.dll | DLL-fil för Internet-klassificering och för hantering av lokala användare |
msrating.dll | Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL |
msrclr40.dll | Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Library |
msrd2x35.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM |
msrd2x40.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM |
msrd3x40.dll | Microsoft (R) Red ISAM |
msrdc.dll | Remote Differential Compression COM server |
msrdo20.dll | MSRDO20 rdoEngine control |
msrdpwebaccess.dll | Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Web Access Control |
msrecr40.dll | Microsoft Jet Briefcase Reconciler Resource Library |
msrepl35.dll | Microsoft Replication Library |
msrepl40.dll | Microsoft Replication Library |
msrle32.dll | Microsoft RLE Compressor |
msrtedit.dll | MSRTEDIT |
mss32.dll | Miles Sound System |
mss64.dll | Miles Sound System |
mssap.dll | DRM |
msscb.dll | msscb.dll |
msscntrs.dll | PKM Perfmon Counter DLL |
msscp.dll | Windows Media Secure Content Provider |
mssdi98.dll | Microsoft® SQL Debug Interface |
mssetup.dll | Setup DLL |
mssha.dll | Microsoft System Health Agent |
msshavmsg.dll | Microsoft System Health Agent Validator Message |
msshooks.dll | Microsoft Search Hooks |
msshrui.dll | Shell extensions for sharing |
msshsq.dll | Structured Query |
mssign32.dll | Microsoft Trust Signing APIs |
mssip32.dll | MSSIP32 Forwarder DLL |
mssitlb.dll | mssitlb |
mssoap1.dll | Microsoft Soap SDK |
mssoap30.dll | Microsoft Soap SDK |
mssoapr.dll | Microsoft Soap Resource DLL |
mssoapr3.dll | Microsoft Office Soap Resource DLL 3.0 |
mssp232.dll | Microsoft Houghton Mifflin ICS DLL |
mssp32.dll | Microsoft Soft-Art Speller DLL |
mssp3ar.dll | Arabic Spell Checker for Microsoft Corporation, by Coltec M.E. |
mssp3es.dll | Spanish Spelling Engine |
mssp3ge.dll | Lingsoft CSAPI |
mssp3no.dll | Lingsoft CSAPI |
mssp3pb.dll | Itautec Revisor Ortográfico Brasileiro - Itautec Brazilian Speller |
msspell3.dll | Microsoft Speller |
msspellcheckingfacility.dll | Microsoft Spell Checking Facility |
mssph.dll | Microsoft Search Protocol Handler |
mssphtb.dll | Outlook MSSearch Connector |
mssprxy.dll | Microsoft Search Proxy |
mssrch.dll | Microsoft Embedded Search |
msstdfmt.dll | Microsoft Standard Data Formating Object DLL |
msstkprp.dll | msprop32.ocx |
msstrc.dll | Microsoft Search Tracer |
mssvp.dll | MSSearch Vista Platform |
msswch.dll | msswch |
mstask.dll | Task Scheduler interface DLL |
mstext40.dll | Microsoft Jet Text Isam |
mstextprediction.dll | Microsoft TextPrediction DLL |
msth32.dll | Microsoft Soft-Art Thesaurus DLL |
mstime.dll | Microsoft (R) Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions to HTML |
mstlsapi.dll | Microsoft® Terminal Server Licensing |
mstores.dll | Clip Organizer |
mstscax.dll | Remote Desktop Services ActiveX Client |
msttsengine.dll | Microsoft TTS Engine |
msttsloc.dll | Microsoft TTS Engine Localization |
mstx3032.dll | Microsoft Jet Text Isam |
msuilstf.dll | Setup UI Library |
msuni11.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Tables |
msutb.dll | MSUTB Server DLL |
msv1160cp10.dll | DISM Package Provider |
msv1_0.dll | Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 |
msvbvm50.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine |
msvbvm60.dll | Visual Basic Virtual Machine |
msvci70.dll | Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |
msvci70d.dll | Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |
msvcirt.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |
msvcirtd.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |
msvcm80.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcm80d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcm90.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp100.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp100d.dll | Microsoft ® C Runtime Library |
msvcp110.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp110d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp110_clr0400.dll | Microsoft® .NET Framework |
msvcp110_win.dll | Microsoft® STL110 C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp120.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp120d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp120_clr0400.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp140.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp140d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp140_1.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library _1 |
msvcp140_2.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library _2 |
msvcp140_app.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp140_atomic_wait.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library _atomic_wait |
msvcp140_clr0400.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll | Microsoft Runtime Library _codecvt_ids |
msvcp50.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp60.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp60d.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp70.dll | Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp70d.dll | Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp71.dll | Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp71d.dll | Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp80.dll | Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp80d.dll | Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp90.dll | Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp90d.dll | Microsoft ® C++ Runtime Library |
msvcp_win.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr100.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr100d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr100_clr0400.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr110.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr110d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr110_clr0400.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr120.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr120d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr120_clr0400.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr70.dll | Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library |
msvcr70d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr71.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr71d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr80.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr80d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr90.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcr90d.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcrt.dll | Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library |
msvcrt10.dll | msvcrt10.dll |
msvcrt20.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcrt40.dll | Microsoft® C Runtime Library |
msvcrtd.dll | Microsoft (R) C Runtime Library |
msvcusb.dll | SiUSBXp |
msvfw32.dll | Microsoft Video for Windows DLL |
msvidc32.dll | Microsoft Video 1 Compressor |
msvidctl.dll | ActiveX control for streaming video |
msvideo.dll | msvideo.dll |
msvideodsp.dll | Video Stabilization MFT |
msvproc.dll | Media Foundation Video Processor |
msw3prt.dll | ISAPI DLL-fil för webbutskrift |
mswb7.dll | MSWB7 DLL |
mswb70011.dll | MSWB7EA DLL |
mswb7001e.dll | MSWB7EA DLL |
mswb70404.dll | MSWB7EA DLL |
mswb70804.dll | MSWB7EA DLL |
mswcrun.dll | WebClassRuntime |
mswdat10.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Tables |
mswebcap.dll | Microsoft Web Capture Extension |
mswebdvd.dll | Modulen MSWebDVD |
mswmdm.dll | Windows Media Device Manager Core |
mswng300.dll | Microsoft Wingman Library |
mswsock.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
mswsosp.dll | Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |
mswstr10.dll | Microsoft Jet Sort Library |
msxactps.dll | OLE DB Transaction Proxies/Stubs |
msxbde40.dll | Microsoft Jet xBASE Isam |
msxml.dll | XML OM for Win32 |
msxml2.dll | XML OM for Win32 |
msxml2r.dll | XML Resources for Win32 |
msxml3.dll | MSXML 3.0 |
msxml3a.dll | XML Resources |
msxml3r.dll | XML Resources |
msxml4.dll | MSXML 4.0 |
msxml4a.dll | MSXML 4.0 SP1 Resources |
msxml4r.dll | MSXML 4.0 SP1 Resources |
msxml5.dll | MSXML 5.0 |
msxml5r.dll | XML Resources |
msxml6.dll | MSXML 6.0 |
msxml6r.dll | XML Resources |
msxmlr.dll | XML Resources for Win32 |
msxpspcl6.dll | XPS to PCL6 Print Pipeline Filter |
msxpsps.dll | XPS to PS Print Pipeline Filter |
msys-intl-8.dll | LGPLed libintl for Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 and Windows 95/98/ME |
msystem.dll | msystem.dll |
msyuv.dll | Microsoft UYVY Video Decompressor |
omfc.dll | Microsoft Office MFC |
sc.dll | Sc |
scan.dll | Advanced SystemCare Malware Scan Library |
scan42.dll | IObit Library |
scanobj.dll | Scan Module-Scan Object |
scansetting.dll | Microsoft® Windows(TM) ScanSettings Profile and Scanning implementation |
scarddlg.dll | SCardDlg - Smart Card Common Dialog |
scardssp.dll | Smart Card Base Service Providers |
scardsvr.dll | Smart Card Resource Management Server |
scavengeui.dll | Update Package Cleanup |
sccbase.dll | Infineon SICRYPT® Base Smart Card CSP |
sccls.dll | Class-Installer DLL for Smart Cards |
sccore.dll | Scripting Components Core |
sccsccp.dll | COM-objekt för Infineon SICRYPT® kryptografiprovider för smartkort |
scdeviceenum.dll | Smart Card Device Enumeration Service |
scecli.dll | Windows Security Configuration Editor Client Engine |
scesrv.dll | Windows Security Configuration Editor Engine |
scext.dll | Service Control Manager Extension DLL for non-minwin |
scgmigplugin.dll | Microsoft Speech Migration Plugin |
schannel.dll | TLS / SSL Security Provider |
schedcli.dll | Scheduler Service Client DLL |
schedprov.dll | Task Scheduler WMIv2 Provider |
schedsvc.dll | Task Scheduler Service |
schmmgmt.dll | Active Directory Schema MMC Snapin |
scilexer.dll | Scintilla.DLL - a Source Editing Component |
sciter-x.dll | sciter-x.dll - embeddable Sciter engine |
sciter.dll | The Sciter Engine: H-SMILE core + TIScript |
scksp.dll | Microsoft Smart Card Key Storage Provider |
sclgntfy.dll | Meddelande-DLL-fil för tjänsten Secondary Logon |
scnpst32.dll | Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for ANSI Stores |
scnpst64.dll | Microsoft Outlook Data File Recovery for UNICODE Stores |
scosv.dll | Komponentresurser för Windows (r) Skript |
scp32.dll | Code Page Translation Library |
scredir.dll | Smart Card Redirection for TS |