
ctrlpan.dll 에러를 고치세요

보안상의 우려로, 본 파일은 다운로드가 지원되지 않습니다. 특정 DLL 문제를 해결하는 법에 관한 정보 만을 제공합니다.

ctrlpan.dll 에러를 고치세요

This file has been reported to be part of a spyware/malware/trojan. It is likely that the problem you are experiencing is linked directly to the spyware/malware/trojan rather than an actual missing DLL-file and the recommended course of action is to first locate/remove the Malware. We do not recommend downloading this file. Support says:

This is a possible manual solution for you 'handyman-fixers' out there: (WARNING: Do this at your own risk, manually changing the registry can be hazardous)




Troj/StartPg-BG sets the home page of Internet Explorer to by modifying the following registry entries:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Search Bar

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchURL

Troj/StartPg-BG also creates a stylesheet that can be used to redirect the user to adult related sites by creating a stylesheet in the folder called HH.HTT and by setting the following registry entries:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles\

Use My Stylesheet\ = 1

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles\

User Stylesheet\ =

The stylesheet is detected as Troj/StartPg-BG.

Troj/StartPg-BG also copies itself to the folder as CTRLPAN.DLL and creates the following registry entry to run on system restart:


Control\= rundll32.exe \SYSTEM\CTRLPAN.DLL,Restore ControlPanel


Please follow the instructions for removing Trojans.

You should also change your Internet Explorer settings using Tools|Internet options|General to remove any modifications made by the Trojan. At the taskbar, click Start|Run. Type 'Regedit' and press Return. The registry editor opens.

Before you edit the registry, you should make a backup. On the 'Registry' menu, click 'Export Registry File'. In the 'Export range' panel, click 'All', then save your registry as Backup.

Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE entry:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ Control\= rundll32.exe \SYSTEM\CTRLPAN.DLL,Restore ControlPanel

and delete it if it exists.

Close the registry editor.

ctrlpan.dll 문제 해결을 위해 더 큰 도움이 필요하십니까?

저희에게 없는 정보를 가지고 계신가요?
저희의 조언이 도움이 되셨나요 아니면 저희가 빠트린 것이 있나요?
저희 포럼은 검증된 기술 전문가들과 대규모 커뮤니티로부터 도움을 받으실 수 있는 곳입니다. 가입하시고, 질문을 올리고, 자신의 알림함에서 바로 새소식을 접하세요.
