
word.dll에 대한 검색 결과

파일명 설명
core.dll core
core40.dll Oracle CORE DLL
core82.dll core82
core83.dll core83
coreaudiotoolbox.dll CoreAudio
coredll.dll CoreDll
corefoundation.dll CoreFoundation
coregraphics.dll CoreGraphics DLL
coreldrw.dll CorelDRAW(R)
corelocalization.dll corelocalization.dll
corelpp.dll Corel PHOTO-PAINT(R)
coremedia.dll CoreMedia
coremessaging.dll Microsoft CoreMessaging Dll
coremmres.dll General Core Multimedia Resources
coreplugin.dll Garena Core Module
corert.dll CoreRT.dll
coresync_x64.dll Core Sync
coretext.dll CoreText.dll
coretracker.dll coretracker.dll
coretypes.dll CoreTypes Dynamic Link Library
coreuicomponents.dll Microsoft Core UI Components Dll
corevideo.dll CoreVideo
core_rl_bzlib_.dll ImageMagick Studio library and utility programs
core_rl_magick_.dll ImageMagick Studio library and utility programs
mofd.dll WMI
nrd.dll -
wer.dll Windows Error Reporting DLL
werconcpl.dll PRS CPL
wercplsupport.dll Problem Reports and Solutions
werdiagcontroller.dll WER Diagnostic Controller
wersvc.dll Windows Error Reporting Service
werui.dll Windows Error Reporting UI DLL
wordaddin_o2k7.dll FLIR Systems WordAddin
wordcnv.dll Microsoft Word
wordpadfilter.dll WordPad Search Filters
wordstrokehelper64.dll wordstrokehelper64.dll
wow.dll wow.dll
wow32.dll Wow32
wow64.dll Win32 Emulation on NT64
wow64cpu.dll AMD64 Wow64 CPU
wow64log.dll -
wow64win.dll Wow64 Console and Win32 API Logging
wowarmhw.dll ARM-on-ARM64 Wow64 CPU
wowfax.dll Windows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver DLL
wowfaxui.dll UI-DLL för Windows 3.1-kompatibel faxdrivrutin